Sanchez, Ariel

Issues in which the author participated

Clicking on each title you will be able to see the corresponding magazine.

Magazine Title
Vol 1 (1), 2005 El Por Qué de Actualizaciones en Osteología
Vol 5 (2), 2009 Two famous frauds with bones: from Piltdown to Miramar
Vol 5 (1), 2009 Actualizaciones en Osteología: Another step in the process of spreading knowledge about bone metabolism.
Vol 5 (1), 2009 Osteoma de la región mastoidea
Vol 5 (1), 2009 Misconceptions – Vitamin D insufficiency causes malabsorption of calcium. Bone 2008
Vol 4 (3), 2008 Actualizaciones en Osteología. Its inclusion in international databases
Vol 4 (3), 2008 Long-term use of proton pump inhibitors and risk of fractures
Vol 4 (2), 2008 Comentario de Ariel Sanchez
Vol 3 (3), 2007 Argentinian Guidelines for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis
Vol 3 (2), 2007 Misconceptions v - activation of osteoclasts is the first step in the bone remodeling cycle. parfitt am. bone 2006; 39: 1170-2.
Vol 2 (3), 2006 Argentine federation of endocrine societies: consensus on primary hyperparathyroidism
Vol 2 (3), 2006 The problem of compliance with treatments for osteoporosis
Vol 2 (2), 2006 Bisphosphonates - For how long?
Vol 6 (2), 2010 The gentleman and the lady with Osteoporosis
Vol 6 (3), 2010 What is the FRAX?
Vol 6 (3), 2010 Epidemiology, costs and burden of osteoporosis in Argentina, 2009
Vol 7 (1), 2011 En este número de Actualizaciones en Osteología
Vol 7 (1), 2011 Osteopoikilosis
Vol 7 (2), 2011 Brief history of fracture treatment.
Vol 7 (3), 2011 ¿Qué expectativa de vida tiene la densitometría ósea?
Vol 7 (3), 2011 Nephrolithiasis. Pathofisiology, metabolic evaluation, and therapy.
Vol 8 (2), 2012 Serotonin: a messenger between the brain, the gut, and bone.
Vol 8 (3), 2012 Atypical femoral fractures: What are they?
Vol 8 (3), 2012 Teenage boy with low bone mass treated with strontium carbonate
Vol 9 (1), 2013 Past Editor’s Farewell Message
Vol 9 (1), 2013 Am J Med 2013
Vol 9 (1), 2013 Cultural changes in the teeth
Vol 9 (2), 2013 Cultural changes in the bones
Vol 9 (2), 2013 Hip bone densitometry: artifact
Vol 9 (2), 2013 Guidelines 2012 for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
Vol 10 (1), 2014 Narwhal`s tusks
Vol 10 (2), 2014 Scrimshaw
Vol 10 (3), 2014 Vitamin D in pregnancy: its importance for mother and fetus
Vol 10 (3), 2014 A fish with bony scales
Vol 11 (1), 2015 Fracture non-union
Vol 11 (1), 2015 Long-term effects of maternal vitamin D deficiency on the health of the offspring
Vol 11 (1), 2015 Bone relics
Vol 11 (2), 2015 Guideline of Argentina Federation of Endocrinology Societies on diagnosis, prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency
Vol 11 (2), 2015 Pirates’ flag
Vol 11 (3), 2015 Expert opinion in favor to IOF response to Järvinen article
Vol 11 (3), 2015 Bone flutes
Vol 12 (1), 2016 Strontium in the treatment of osteoporosis
Vol 12 (2), 2016 The management of osteoporosis in patients with long term bisphosphonates treatment.
Vol 12 (3), 2016 Effects of bariatric surgery on bone
Vol 13 (1), 2017 Densitometric response in postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with strontium ranelate or denosumab
Vol 13 (2), 2017 Argentine guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, 2015
Vol 13 (3), 2017 Effect of strontium ranelate on bone mineral density in men with osteoporosis
Vol 13 (3), 2017 25(OH)-Vitamin D levels in type 2 diabetes with and without metabolic syndrome
Vol 13 (3), 2017 The game of La Taba
Vol 14 (1), 2018 Antidepressants do not cause osteopenia
Vol 14 (1), 2018 Strange Ata skeleton
Vol 14 (2), 2018 A mummy reveals that in the ancient Egypt modern surgery was already in use
Vol 16 (1), 2020 Metabolic syndrome and bone mass
Vol 16 (2), 2020 Vertebral fractures in adult women with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Vol 16 (3), 2020 Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ)
Vol 17 (1), 2021 Negative association between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and inflammatory markers in rheumatologic diseases
Vol 17 (1), 2021 Epidemiological insights on glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis